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WCPS runs Monday through Friday, 9:30 AM-2:30 PM.
Within our program, parents have a variety of options to chose what days to enroll their child(ren).
Children can attend 2 days (M/W or T/Th), 3 days (M/W/F or T/TH/F), 4 days (M-Th) or 5 days. Priority for 5 day spots is given to Active Church Members.
Additional Childcare Options Provided for families in which both parents work full time (at an additional cost):
*Breakfast Club is offered Monday - Thursday, 7:30-9:30 AM
*Extended Day is offered Monday - Friday, 2:30-5:00 PM
Child must be 6 months old August 15 of school year applying for.
A warm and welcoming environment awaits the children attending our infant and toddler classrooms. The children thrive as they are loved and nurtured by their teachers while experiencing music, books and educational toys through which cognitive, tactile and motor skills are enhanced. Teachers foster socialization and development of self-awareness. Children learn through the use of their senses, motor activity and other experiences offered by their teachers. The curriculum focuses on the whole child, incorporating activities to help develop age appropriate cognitive, physical, social and self-help skills.
The two-year-old classes provide a caring and enriching environment in which all areas of development are encouraged. Social and emotional growth is stressed. It is through a strong self-image that the children have the confidence to know that their potential for learning is unlimited. Cognitive development is fostered through a creative and stimulating program, which encourages visual, tactile, gross motor and small motor experiences. Art, music, language and science activities geared to little hands and short attention spans are introduced. Activities include water play, make-believe, dress up, block building and motor skill games.
Enrichments: Music
Our three year old classrooms include centers that encompass gross and fine motor development, art and dramatic play activities, as well as experiences in language, math and science. Children role play being grocers, fire fighters, doctors or wherever their imaginations take them. Ordinary wooden blocks become roads, towers, castles and trains. Masterpieces are created daily in the creative art center. Children pour water, make ice, measure and weigh, experiment with sand, work with puzzles, string beads and much more. The daily circle time includes stories and music where the concept of sharing materials and ideas is encouraged.
Enrichments: Music, Chapel, Kimochis, Safety
The four year program focuses on the development of the children’s potential, their individuality and creativity within a loving and accepting atmosphere. The children are given the opportunity to further develop their skills in language, math, science and the creative arts. Foreign language is a regular part of the program. Teachers choose a variety of units that teach important skills as perception, and large and small motor coordination activities. The children are encouraged, guided and exposed to new people, places, activities and experiences that are developmentally appropriate. Our goal is to encourage children to be self-confident, enjoy fellowship with each other and foster a lifelong love of learning. The fours classroom provides a nurturing environment filled with learning experiences that hold true to our teaching philosophy --- a child learns best through developmentally appropriate, age-appropriate play.
Enrichments: Music, Chapel, Safety, Kimochis, the Outdoor Classroom and Field Trips
The WCPS Pre-K 5s curriculum is specifically designed to provide educational experiences for the older four and early five year old. The ideal Pre-K candidate would benefit from an extra year of maturity to have the most rewarding Kindergarten experience. We believe children develop social and emotional competency when they are allowed to explore and experience in-depth mastery of skills and social situations in a supportive, small classroom setting. Language enrichment, mathematical game applications and more complex dramatic play environments are among the classroom tools that support the Pre-K classroom. Problem solving, planning, negotiating and experimentation are strategies that further contribute to the classroom experience. Our outdoor games and playground activity offer the opportunity for physical growth and improvement of the large muscle coordination. This class offers the children an extra year of social, emotional, intellectual and physical development in a classroom with a low teacher/student ratio. The five-year-old program allows the child to gain additional academic skills and develop self-confidence which helps prepare them to successfully meet the challenges of kindergarten.
Enrichments: Music, Chapel, Safety, Kimochis, the Outdoor Classroom and Field trips.