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Woodmont Christian Preschool is licensed by the Tennessee Department of Human Services Child Care Services to serve children from 4 months to 5 years of age. The Child Care Evaluation and Report Card Program is required for all licensed child care providers in Tennessee. During the annual review for license renewal, the State evaluates 7 areas of quality: Director's qualifications or experience, education, and training; Education, training, and previous work experience of teaching staff; Compliance history; Parent and family involvement; Ratios and group sizes; Center's pay and benefit plans for staff; Program assessment (on-site observation). In addition to annual unannounced visits, the Tennessee Department of Human Services conducts announced and unannounced visits to perform inspections of the classrooms, programs and facility records.
Woodmont Christian Preschool consistently receives the highest score given to child care providers who meet a higher standard of quality. Childcare programs licensed under the Department of Human Services are evaluated using the rules and regulations held by the department and the QRIS Quality Scale. WCPS also utilizes DAP (Developmentally Appropriate Practice) based on accreditation standards with support and coaching from CCR&R (TN Child Care Resource & Referral).
At WCPS, we believe the primary goal of discipline is to teach children self-discipline and self-control. This discipline approach recognizes and values children as human beings. We believe children should be treated with respect and balance their freedom with responsibilities. This is accomplished by setting limits, providing choices within those limits and using natural and logical consequences as the basis for discipline. Positive reinforcement and redirection allow our teachers to guide children as they make behavioral choices.
Children who are encouraged to make decisions learn their choices count. They can make mistakes and learn from them. These children have a sense of control and power in their lives and are responsible for their actions. At all times, we strive for the children to develop compassion for other’s feelings. It is our goal to eliminate conflict and replace it with cooperation and mutual respect. We believe this is a worthy and achievable goal.
Teachers focus on each child’s social/emotional development and plan curriculum experiences that assist them to learn the skills needed to regulate their emotions, behaviors and attention. Teachers plan varied opportunities for children to develop a sense of competence and positive attitudes towards entering into social groups, developing friendships, learning to help and other pro-social behaviors. Our teachers never use physical punishment, threats or derogatory remarks, engage in psychological abuse, or withhold or threaten to withhold food as a form of discipline.
The WCPS application is available to complete online. A separate application must be filled for each child. Every family must complete an application for every new school year. Priority is given to applications received by the application deadline, but applications are accepted throughout the school year.
WCPS has a tenure based admission process for currently or formerly enrolled families. Applications are ordered by initial date of enrollment, with priority given to active Woodmont Christian Church members. New applicant families are ordered by random lottery draw, with priority given to active Woodmont Christian Church members. To be prioritized as a WCC member families must be an active church member for a full year at the time of application. Applications reviewed and offered admission will be mailed a contract specifying the days offered and annual tuition.
Any applications received after the enrollment deadline will be considered on a first come basis, regardless of previous status. Applicants requesting placement in a classroom that is full will be placed on the waiting list and will be notified if an opening becomes available. The office staff maintains a waiting list for filling vacancies that may occur. The waiting list does not carry over from one year to the next. Wait list families must reapply for the following year, but do not have to pay the application fee again.