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The 2025-26 application period is now closed due to the high number of applicants on the waitlists.
New families who are offered a spot will be invited to tour before accepting their contracts.
Only children who will be 4 months old or older, by August 15th, 2025, may apply to attend the 2025-26 school year. A separate application must be filled out for each child. Every family must complete an application for every new school year. Priority is given to applications received by the application deadline, but applications are accepted throughout the school year.
WCPS has a tenure based admission process for currently or formerly enrolled families. Applications are ordered by initial date of enrollment, with priority given to active Woodmont Christian Church members. To be prioritized as a WCC Member families must actively attend and tithe for a full year at time of application.
New applicant families are ordered by random lottery draw, with priority given to active Woodmont Christian Church members. Applicants reviewed and offered admission will be emailed a contract specifying the days offered and annual tuition.
Any applications received after the enrollment deadline will be considered on a first come basis, regardless of previous status. Applicants requesting placement in a classroom that is full will be placed on the waiting list and will be notified if an opening becomes available. The office staff maintains a waiting list for filling vacancies that may occur. The waiting list does not carry over from one year to the next. Wait list families must reapply for the following year, but do not have to pay the application fee again.
New applicants to the PreK4 and PreK 5 program are required to provide student's records from current program. The preschool Director may also choose to observe the student in their current program.
WCPS admits children of any religion, race, color, national and ethnic origin. It does not discriminate on the basis of religion, race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its admissions policies. Children with emotional, physical or cognitive special needs will be accepted if it is determined that they will benefit from the program and the staff is able to meet their needs in addition to the needs of the other children.
Classes are formed on the basis of the age of each child. A child entering a WCPS class must be the appropriate age for that class age span. The goal is to place each child in a group with which he/she can expect to attend kindergarten.
All applicants must be vaccinated according to the State of TN Health Department guidelines. WCPS does not accept delayed vaccination schedules, vaccination exemptions, or religious exemption forms.
If a child enters the program with an identified special health care need (i.e. asthma, diabetes, seizures, hearing or vision impairments, feeding needs, urinary or other on-going health problems), the parent is responsible for notifying and providing the school specific written instructions for the child’s special health needs PRIOR to the child’s enrollment date. (WCPS Handbook) Children with emotional, physical or cognitive special needs will be accepted if it is determined that they will benefit from the program and the staff is able to meet their needs in addition to the needs of the other children. (WCPS Handbook)
WCPS budgets a specific amount of funds each year to aid in tuition coverage for families that qualify. The amount of tuition assistance received is based on the number of families that qualify for aid. Anyone wishing to apply for tuition assistance must check "Yes" on the application form. A scholarship application will be sent and must be returned with the latest tax return. This information will be reviewed by the preschool Director, Advisory Board Chair and Treasurer and will be kept confidential. All families must pay the initial deposit with their signed contract. Tuition assistance will be applied to the balance due.